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John Angheli Presents the Self-Actualization Quest Counselling Solution:

The Most Effective Method for How to Discover and Live Out Your Soul Mission, As to Most Meaningfully Lead Yourself and Those You Love

(... WITHOUT Copying Someone Else’s ‘Leadership Style’, Burning Out By Working 15 Hour Days 7 Days a Week, Or Other Inauthentic and Ineffective Fads That Saturate the Web...)

Design & Do Your Own Self-Actualization Quest, As Seen In the Feature Documentary, 'The Great Aha!'

Apply For Your Chance to Get PERSONALLY COUNSELLED By John Angheli

One-On-One Counselling | Via Zoom, Phone, Or In Person | At Selected Times - Mon-Fri 6am to 8pm AEST
For Leaders In Pursuit of Greater Meaning, Entrepreneurs, and Knowledge Workers ... and BY APPLICATION ONLY!
Leadership Counselling Strategies for How Discover Your Mission and Strengthen Your Best Strengths


Discover How to Most Effectively Perform Your Own Self-Actualization Quest ... And Break Through Your Toughest Challenges In Your Leadership & Life!

Question: What Do Most Beloved Movies of All Time Have in Common?
What Is the Common Thread Behind So Many Diverse Films Like: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (Original), Dead Poets Society, Matrix, Wizard of Ox, Karate Kid, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Pan’s Labyrinth, Batman Begins and Many, Many Others?

Answer: They All Follow the Narrative Format of ‘The Hero’s Journey’, or the Monomyth.

There’s a unifying narrative behind all great stories. Forms change, but the essence of the story remains constant. And here is how literature professor Joseph Campbell summed it up:

“A Hero Ventures Forth from the World of Common Day, Into a Region of Supernatural Wonder.
There, Fabulous Forces Are Encountered and a Decisive Victory Is Won.
The Hero Comes Back from This Mysterious Adventure with the Power to Bestow Boons on His Fellow Man.” (Campbell, 1949)

To put this another way, the essence of a great story is that it follows a specific structure … THREE FUNDAMENTAL ACTS:

First, there’s a major, irreconcilable problem in the ordinary world, and the hero is called forth to address this issue. He or she is challenged to step out of their ‘ordinary world’, to enter a new world of sorts, where they may find a meaningful solution.

Second, the hero is then initiated into this special world, where through a series of tasks and trials – especially through a ‘critical ordeal’ – he or she is forced to grow. Through this ordeal, they receive a major revelation.

Third, the hero then returns to their ordinary world, where with the revelation gained, they benefit their fellow man. Through this adventure, the hero is meaningfully transformed.

Why we all resonate with this meta-narrative structure, is because it speaks to THE TIMELESS META-METHOD for how all great breakthroughs from the ordinary, are actually accomplished: i.e.

I. To go beyond the current level of awareness that is currently creating a problem, (like in your life or in your leadership), you and I must step out of our own ordinary world, and to encounter a radically ‘new world’… a new perspective.

II. In this new world, we are to test ourselves and go through an ordeal, so we may arrive at a revelation that is beyond the level of thinking that’s currently sourcing our problems.

III. And with this new revelation, we are to then come back to our ordinary lives, and to benefit those we love and lead. (Beginning first and foremost, with ourselves).

This Three-Fold Act in Real Life, (This Meta-Method), Is What We Call a ‘Self-Actualization Quest’.

What Is Then Self-Actualization Quest Counselling?

Self-Actualization Quest Counselling is a mentorship arrangement, for those who seek to actualize their next stage in life and their leadership formation journey.

Like with the Hero’s Journey structure, we are here to support you with the three-fold setup up of:

  • what is to be your ‘region of supernatural wonder’, where you will face your demons;
  • what trials, tests and ordeals should you set up, in order to come out with a revelation; 
  • and how to apply the discovery of your boon, in your ordinary world.

It is a short, it is a breakthrough intervention counselling series, for how to discover your own break-through solutions to the major problems in your life and in your leadership.

So when does one need to undertake a Self-Actualization Quest?

It is our suggestion that you should perform one, anytime you are stuck in any of the five stages, of your own leadership journey.

For at various stages of our leadership development, we can get severely stuck, And the types of entrapments that we experience, these also share similar narrative structures. i.e.:

1.     We can get stuck in not knowing our mission and what is our leadership calling all about;
2.    We can get stuck in not knowing how to lead ourselves, and who is to be our own tribe, who we are to serve;
3.    We can get stuck in not knowing our unique voice as a leader, and what are our signature strengths and signature style;
4.    We can get stuck in not knowing how to most effectively produce, so we make the most of our gifts, for the least amount of resources and for the maximum amount of range;
5.    Or we can get stuck in not knowing the succession of our leadership;

Now symptoms of being trapped at a certain level, these manifest themselves in conditions such as: burnout and high stress; in depression and despondence; or a lack of self-confidence and the ‘imposter syndrome’…

These feelings are often also accompanied by much double-mindedness, and an existential doubt about your potential.

Which is tragic, because most of us do not have a map about what are the natural stages of leadership formation all about, and as such, we often don’t realize that this is very much normal…

Furthermore, we do not have any idea of the direction we need to take next, so we can move forward into the next stage.

As such, many regrettably assume that this predicament is final, and that this is an unchangeable limitation of self. That this is somehow even a failure of one’s character, or of one’s personality…

And this is where we come in.

Hi my name is John Angheli, and in case you’re not familiar with who I am, I’m the founder and CEO of the Center for Meaningful Leadership, (formerly known as The Australian Life Coaching Society).

We are a non-profit organization, started all the way back in 2004 as part of a Masters of Business action research, where we sought to provide life coaching service to the under-resourced, (and not just the privileged few).

Since then, we’ve served many thousands through our work – providing many pro-bono coaching services, throughout Australia and abroad with a continual mission throughout, to be on the look out for the most effective method – on how to get meaningful results, in the shortest time frame possible, for the least amount of money…

We have here as such, what I believe to be the most streamlined and simplest solution, for how you can get unstuck if any of the prior problems rang true for you…

That is, to undertake your very own ‘Self-Actualization Quest’!

What is a Self-Actualization Quest you ask?

Well, throughout history, the time-tested method for how we can make a genuine breakthrough, has been to go out into the wild, or to go into a solitary retreat, as to deeply think about the issues of your life.

Because unlike all other methods, where the answer to your most pressing existential problems, are often stimulated by someone else – whether this is a coach, a guru, a celebrity, or a friend – a Self-actualization Quest, is a means for drawing forth your own answer, your own unique, authentic solution to the current problem that you have, that’s also hidden from your present view.

This is what we call a Self-Actualization Quest, and it generally has four main forms – you can undertake:

1. A VIGIL – a 24-hour intensive where you concentrate your attention,
and come to an emergent solution for how to make a leap to the next level;

2.  VISION QUEST – a 2 to 7-day out in the wild intensive,
applying various mental and spiritual techniques, as to arrive at a heightened perspective upon your life issues;

3. A CHILLA NASHINI – a 40-day intensive, (as illustrated in my feature documentary, ‘The Great Aha’), whereby one comes to essentially reformat the habitual ways of perceiving and acting in your world;

4. A PILGRIMAGE, A SABBATICAL, or A WALKABOUT, (as the Australian Aborigines called it)– an intentional journey of various durations, where you get to experience an ‘out of the ordinary’ range of locations and activities (like in the book and the movie, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ for instance), whereby you make new connections and get new perspective about your life.

All these processes listed above, are various forms of the same thing – they are ‘Quests for Self-actualization’ – or various ways through which we may discover deeper truths…

  • about who you can potentially be,
  • what we to do with our lives,
  • how are we to be with those with love and so on …

… all authentic to you, and your unique life path.

For when you start researching the biographies of practically all the great men and women in our history, you’ll see this process at work, almost always. All great men and women undertake such quests throughout their life, whether they consciously define them as such, or not.

What our coaching services here are all about, is to support you in the formation and planning of your most strategic Self-actualization Quest solution.

We will help you to identify and coordinate the most important processes you need to put in place, that’s highly relevant to your problem, and your leadership formation stage…

We’ll introduce you to various philosophical and spiritual processes and exercises that you can or that you should enable… all the way down to practical, physical plans and checklists for your safety and well-being.  

To get started on this journey, apply below by filling out a short set of survey questions.

If we think your issue is a good fit for a Self-Actualization Quest, we will let you know, and we’ll give you access to our calendar page, from where we can arrange a suitable time.

Get started right now, and let’s see if we can talk shortly.

Take care.

The Five Phases Of the Complete Self-Actualization Quest Counselling

1st: Awareness of Present Position

In the first coaching session, together with your coach – whether with myself or another coach trained in our framework – we take an objective assessment of your life, where you are stuck and why. It’s a comprehensive self-assessment of where you’re at, where are you stuck, and your desired destination or outcome.

In this first coaching session, we’ll uncover the results you’d like to arrive at, as a result of this Self-actualization Quest.

2nd: The Personal Wilderness Intensive Design

In the second session, behind the scenes, we take the results of your assessment and in confidentiality, we bring your problem to our team, as to innovate for you a custom made ‘Self-actualization Quest Experience’ – that incorporates just the right processes, for the breakthrough you’re seeking.

We’ll design for you a customized set of contemplative or philosophical practices, journal entries, readings, and whatever else we think is necessary, so you can make a fundamental heart and mind shift, and thus arrive at a clear resolution, which gives you complete confidence.

3rd: The ‘Meeting with Q’ Session

Like in the James Bond films, where 007 special agent goes to see ‘Q’ (the head of the research and development in the British Secret Service) – in this next coaching session, you here as the ‘special agent’, will receive your custom-designed set of tools, to help you succeed on your special op.

Here, you and your coach will review your tools and how to use them. You’ll be guided through the designed set of practices that we set for you, which you are to apply then on your Self-actualization Quest. We’ll get you prepared both physically and mentally for the experience – covering what to bring, where to go, and just how to undertake such an intensive…

4th: Your Self-actualization Quest

In the fourth phase, you will go out and do the Self-actualization Quest that we co-designed and you prepared for. You’ll undertake your own personal intensive – whether this is a vigil, a chilla-nashini, a vision quest, or a pilgrimage…

During this experience, you will then follow the set of practices and processes set out, as to discover the clarity of mind, and confidence of spirit, for what’s to come next in your leadership formation journey.

Behind the scenes, here at our headquarters, as part of your personal mastermind – we will daily affirm in faith, the realization of your authentic voice, and your spirit-led insight. So while you’re undertaking your intensive, each day your personal coach will also faithfully affirm your breakthrough realization, as a ‘trans-personal meeting of minds’.

5th: The Way Forward into Habit Formation

In the fifth phase, after your Self-actualization Quest experience, you will then have your last coaching session. Here, we discuss the revelations that emerged from this quest, and we will help you to further crystalize just what you learned from these processes.

We’ll then give you further tools and resources, for how to you can live out these revelations in practice. Our aim here is that whatever revelation you had – you want to integrate this revelation, as much as possible, directly into your habits. This session seeks to equip you for the long-term game thereafter.

And that’s it.

So now the ball is now in your court. You know all you need to know, and your first step is below.

I hope to hear from you.

P.S. One Last Thing…

To take a Self-actualization Quest, is to engage in a timeless technology for how we can dramatically expand your awareness, creativity and power. They are causal patterns for lasting life changes.

Throughout both East and West, inclusive of Native Australia or America, our collective wisdom throughout time, all arrived at this same one conclusion… These practices are essential in learning how to combat the most difficult of enemies, the enemy of our ‘egoic self’.

It’s through intensive like these, that we become psychologically stronger.

Like Luke Sky-walker in the film Star Wars, where he goes to the swamp and fights his own shadow potential to become like Darth Vader – each one of us, to become great, needs this confrontation and strengthening of will towards the good.

For ultimately we all need to go beyond more information. We need to discover within ourselves – our original calling and the strength to will into being a new dimension of life, a better version of you.

What intensives like these can offer you is a direct connection with your own voice, with your own spirit or will…

For it is [You] that needs the power to make the right choices throughout life. And if you don’t have this strength of will to choose what is of highest good – of what use is merely knowledge?

This is why all the greats have taken Self-actualization Quests!

Although it may appear that you lose time in the process, they actually save you time in the long run. They offer a shortcut to finding your best version of self.

If you want to find your authentic voice, you need to take on your own hero’s journey.

I believe that everyone, at least once in their life, needs to cross the threshold of ordinary living, and go into the wild – as to confront your own in-authenticity and potential for evil, as well as the better angel of your nature.

Humanity has not yet found a better and more profound answer for how to tackle the great problem of how we can ever change ourselves for good, than to take on an intensive. After all…

If Jesus and Buddha needed a wilderness intensive to reawaken and think,
how much more do we?

For our life is like a great boulder that’s rolling downhill. The longer we have lived – the more years we’ve had to do what we have done, over and over – the longer has this boulder of habits traveled downhill.

This boulder now has great momentum behind it. Your present will power can only do so much to resist its force.

To regain control and to meaningfully change direction, this requires all of your faculties be active and that they come to work in unison, as to realign:

  • how you process things mentally,
  • how you interact physically within your environment,
  • and most importnat, how you come to reconnect with the voice of Your Spirit, Your Will

The clichéd, quick-fix solutions that most suggest, these fail because the same old patterns that you’ve live with up to now, these very same patterns never get interrupted.

So you wake up and are surrounded by the same stimuli, and the same triggers that pulled you out of line before, over and over. You then begin to think in the same way as you have thought before. Then you feel the same things that you have felt before…

And sure enough, you then act in the same way, like clockwork.

P.P.S. And One Very Last Thing…

Dr. Abraham Maslow once said that, “the story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.”

Why? Because we’re culturally told to sell ourselves short.

Low expectations are everywhere (and only getting lower). Vulgarity and mediocrity is today’s norm. Expecting to become exceptional is the new dirty word.

In our present day cultural norm, the set prototype for your ‘average life’ is that you work at a pointless job, stay single, and feed the economy with your endless consumption – as to consume more things, more media, more places, more people. (Maybe get a dog to keep you company and then die.)

If you did not exactly follow this blueprint, and “love” has you now in a partnership with children, the second cultural norm is that you be miserable in this arrangement, or aim to be back in the primary prototype… (And certainly, if you yourself fail to conform to this consumerist life – your children will be indoctrinated for you, to want to.)

We think this is very, very far from OK. It’s frankly outrageous! Why do we support this?

This is why what we are suggesting here, is somewhat ‘counter-cultural’…

  • But we’ve had enough of being sold short!
  • We had enough of settling for a soul junkyard existence!
  • We hold as self-evident that our lives are too precious and valuable – to not become all that we can be.

If you think the same, then join us. If you know you’ve departed from your calling and are on the wrong road, the sooner you stop and turn around, the sooner you can arrive at your destination.

Don’t spend another minute driving further in the wrong direction. Every minute you go over, requires another minute more to travel back from where you started.

Remember, you’re mortal. You have no idea if tomorrow, or next week, or next year may be your very last on Earth. Are you ready?

Have you expressed your true calling, or have you exalted the social callings made upon you instead?

That whispering voice within you that calls out to live a life of joy and meaning, is very much real. That small voice is your ‘inner GPS’, saying it’s possible to go in another, better direction.

Listen to it.

You have the power to choose.

What seems most probable for your life, this doesn’t have to happen. You can make real instead, the ‘Possible’ – which come about because of your active choice.

And you’re not alone in this pursuit. Give yourself the gift of meaningful coaching, which can support you to rediscover and reignite the passion of your true calling.

Expressing your calling really matters, and our world, our culture will be permanently changed by the contribution that your soul seeks to make. It’s not just your life that will get better. It’s everyone else’s life too.

Be a real hero. Return to your calling, stronger.

Memento Mori.

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